Mar 2019 FormatTest
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Mar 2019 FormatTest


Test Edit


Test basic Inheritance, start with minor
Text block that sets nothing
No style was set here
Text block ==none==
This is in style nonhe
Another unset text block
Style set to Frame Moderate

Did setting the style to box undo the minor?

We overrode the style to be --None--,
Outer Invis container
Text block in outer invis container.
more text

Just a text block without any explicit

Inner container, no explicit style is set

Just a text block without any explicit

Inner container in style '--None--'

Just a text block without any explicit

Inner normal container
Container in Style=Feature
no style declared
Text, no style set
What style am I?
Text with style=\'None\'
This should be done with the feature stuff
2 col container
Nothing set
Should have inherited feature and box
Style set to none
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