Test the new HTML5 Boostrap Containers
Warning: This site may be resynched. You may make changes, but they might get overwritten

Toggle HTML5 and HTML5ish

Use Minimized CSS and JavaScript?
useMin=0 useMinl=1

Debug Layouts
?debuglayout=1 ?debuglayout=containers

HTML5 Set for session:
?HTML5=0 ?HTML5=1
     ?HTML5ish=0 HTML5ish=1 HTML5ish means to use XHTML but to have some blocks generate in HTML5 style

HTML5 Set for one browse:
     ?HTML5=0 ?HTML5=1
     ?HTML5ish=0 ?HTML5ish=1

English / Hsilgne | Reverselish / Hsilesrever

mobile=0 mobile=1 tablet=0 tablet=1

GB #1

GB #1 Nam scelerisque, magna quis tincidunt tincidunt, massa nulla ultrices ante, a venenatis nisi urna eu sem. Integer id velit. Nullam sagittis porttitor lorem. Aenean non.

GB #2

GB #2 Nam scelerisque, magna quis tincidunt tincidunt, massa nulla ultrices ante, a venenatis nisi urna eu sem. Integer id velit. Nullam sagittis porttitor lorem. Aenean non.

GB #1

GB #1 Nam scelerisque, magna quis tincidunt tincidunt, massa nulla ultrices ante, a venenatis nisi urna eu sem. Integer id velit. Nullam sagittis porttitor lorem. Aenean non.

GB #2

GB #2 Nam scelerisque, magna quis tincidunt tincidunt, massa nulla ultrices ante, a venenatis nisi urna eu sem. Integer id velit. Nullam sagittis porttitor lorem. Aenean non.

This is the right block, the left one is missing
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